Premium Carpet & Floor Cleaning/Restoration  Services

    Experience The Real Clean Difference 

​ ​​ Trinit​y​ Clean​ LLC​​ 

Let Trinity Clean Restore, Rejuvenate and Renovate your Bathroom/Shower!!!

Shower Cleaning
Mold and Mildew Removal
Soap Scum Removal
Grout Repair and Leaks
Grout Cleaning & Color Sealing
Total Re-Grouting

Specializing in Shower/Bathroom Cleaning and Restoration:

Bathroom tiles and grouting suffer greatly from daily use.Mildew buildup and soap scum leave tiles and grout looking dull, moldy and dirty. Shower screens suffer from constant soap and water stains and the porous grout begins to stain and crack around the bath.

Even a properly installed shower or tub surround can develop cracked and flaking grout over time. If neglected, they can leak water, damaging adjacent areas and weakening the tiled structure. Showers and Bath Surrounds can also become a cleaning nightmare. Calcium, Lime Scale, Soap, Mildew - are all problems that eat away at your expensive tile, grout and faucets.

Look no further than Trinity Clean for a complete Bathroom/Shower Cleaning and Restoration. Our unique cleaning products and state-of-the-art equipment deliver exceptional quality in restoring your tiles, grout and glass to look like new again AND within a budget you can afford. Most of the oldest, grungiest showers can be restored.

Isn’t it Time for a Bathroom/Shower Makeover?

Tired of Moldy, Soap Scum Tiles and Grout?

Is your bathroom looking dull and lifeless?

Does your tub surround has cracks?

Do you want it to look completely new without spending a fortune on renovations?