Premium Carpet & Floor Cleaning/Restoration  Services

    Experience The Real Clean Difference 

​ ​​ Trinit​y​ Clean​ LLC​​ 

Pet urine odor or stains?

 Trinity Clean knows that your pets are very precious to you but your family's lovable pet can make it a real challenge to keep your home clean, fresh and healthy.

Accidents happen; even the most well trained animals are prone to the occasional accident or getting sick on your carpet or furniture. It is always best to address these stains immediately, if left untreated further damage to your carpet and pad can occur.

A side effect of improperly treated or ignored pet accidents that develops over time is pet odor. This is one of the most common reasons why people seek out stain control, because they actually require pet odor control.

We specialize in removing pet urine stains and permanently removing urine odors from carpets, rugs, upholstery, and mattresses.

Trinity Clean has the state-of-the-art steam cleaning process which is completely effective, safe, non toxic,
-certified for your children and pets.

When it comes to those tough stains, don't keep trying to scrub them out; you could permanently damage the carpet fibers. Let Trinity Clean take care of those pet accidents for you. Whatever the case, we have the right tools and experience to get the job done right. We care about your home’s and your family’s health.