Experience The Real Clean Difference 

​ ​​ Trinit​y​ Clean​ LLC​​ 

Drive-thru food and drinks, kids with sticky candy, and drooling pets do their fair share toward making your car's interior — be it leather, cloth, or carpet — look beaten and worn?

 Trinity Clean is more than just carpet cleaners! We understand that your cleaning needs go beyond your home.

 Don't let your vehicles interior go uncared for. By maintaining the appearance of the vehicle inside, you retain the value of the car, which will help you when it's time to trade it in or sell it.

 Let's be realistic, a simple vacuuming of the interior is not sufficient enough to thoroughly remove the containments found in your auto carpets and upholstery.

Our highly skilled technicians will professionally take cleaning the interior carpets and upholstery of your auto to the next level by restoring them to look like new.

 Trinity Clean will use the same powerful hot water extraction cleaning system and proven cleaning solutions we use in your home to steam clean that deep down dirt that regular vacuuming and do-it-yourself shampoo systems just can’t handle.

Sit back and relax enjoying a clean and fresh appearance to your auto carpet and upholstery!



        Premium Carpet & Floor Cleaning/Restoration  Services